
The Book of Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Book of Acts is one of the New Testament’s most important books. It links the ministry of Christ in the Gospels with the teachings of the Apostles in the Epistles and it gives us the background for the Pauline Epistles. It, the first chapter of church history, records the spread of the gospel, during a short thirty-three years’ period, from Jerusalem, the capital city of the Jewish world, to...

“We expected you to restore this Kingdom during your Public Ministry but you surprised us by failing to establish this Kingdom and then dying on a cross, but now that you are alive again, are you now going to establish this Kingdom?” 2. The answer of Jesus (1:7, 8) a. He does not reveal the time of the setting up of the Kingdom (1:7) Note that Jesus did not say that the Kingdom will never be established but that the time of its establishment is unrevealed to men. b. He does reveal the future work
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